Why Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery May be a Better Choice
In the wake of the national opioid epidemic, surgical options to relieve pain have moved to the forefront to reduce the need for long-term pain medication useage.
The Power of Lateral Spine Surgery. Jakarta International Neurosurgery Forum in Conjunction with Congress of Indonesian Neurospine Society. May 2018. Oral Presentation.
Spinous Process Stabilization versus MIS Pedicle Screw Fixation and Lateral Lumbar Fusion: Biomechanics and Prospective Randomized Trial. Calusa. Annual Meeting, November 2017. St. Petersburg, Florida. Oral Presentation.
Interspinous Process Fixation in ALIF/LLIF: 2-year Outcomes from a Prospective Randomized Multi-Center Trial. European Association of Neurological Surgeons. Annual Meeting, October 2017. Venice, Italy. Oral presentation.
Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Lateral Modular Plate Fixation and Interspinous Process Fixation: 2-Year Outcomes. European Association of Neurological Surgeons. Annual Meeting, October 2017. Venice, Italy. Oral presentation.
Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion (LLIF) at L4/L5: Can Angled Instrumentation Overcome the Challenges of a High Iliac Crest? International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS) Annual Meeting, April 2017. Boca Raton, FL. Oral Poster Presentation.
Lateral (LLIF) versus Anterior (ALIF) Lumbar Interbody Fusion: 2-year Outcomes from a Prospective Multi-center Study. International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS) Annual Meeting, April 2017. Boca Raton, FL. Podium Presentation.
Is Interspinous Process Fixation Appropriate at L5/S1 in ALIF? 2-year Comparative Outcomes to Pedicle Screw Fixation from a Prospective, Randomized, Controlled, Multi-center Trial. International Society for the Advancement of Spine Surgery (ISASS) Annual Meeting, April 2017. Boca Raton, FL. Podium Presentation.
Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Lateral Modular Plate Fixation and Interspinous Process Fixation: 2 year Outcomes from a Prospective, Multi-Center. Joint Sections ANNS/CNS. March 2017. Las Vegas, NV. Podium Presentation.
Lateral Approach to the Lumbar Spine. Brain and Spine Symposium. Miami Neurological Insitute. January 2017. Trujillo, Peru
Interspinous Process Fixation versus Pedicle Screw Fixation in Circumferential Fusion: Outcomes from a Prospective Randomized Multi?Center Trial. North American Spine Society (NASS) Annual Meeting, Oct 2016. Boston, MA. Podium Presentation.
Interspinous process fixation versus pedicle screw fixation in circumferential arthrodesis: 1-year outcomes from a prospective randomized multi-center trial. BritSpine 2016, April 2016. Nottingham, United Kingdom. Podium Presentation.
Interspinous Process Fixation versus Pedicle Screw Fixation in Circumferential Fusion: 1?Year Outcomes from a Prospective Randomized Multi?Center Trial. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves. March 2016. Podium Presentation. (not personally presented)
Lateral Lumbar Interbody Fusion with Modular Plate Fixation: Initial Experience with a Novel Technology. Intra-Op and 1?Year Outcomes. 32nd Annual Meeting of the Section on Disorders of the Spine and Peripheral Nerves. March 2016. Podium Presentation.
Lateral Lumbar Fusion with Modular Plate fixation: Initial Experience with a Novel Technology. Intra-OP and One year Outcomes. SMISS Meeting, Las Vegas, Nevada, Nov 2015. Podium Presentation.
Outcomes from a Prospective Multi-center Study. Walter Dandy 1st Quadrennial Meeting, Dubai, UAE Nov 2015. Podium Presentation
Interspinous process fixation versus pedicle screw fixation: outcomes in a prospective randomized multi-center trial. European Academy of Neurosurgeons Annual Meeting, Madrid, Spain Oct 2015. Podium Presentation.
Lateral versus Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Outcomes from a Prospective Multi-center Study. European Academy of Neurosurgeons Annual Meeting, Oct 2015. Madrid, Spain. Podium Presentation.
Rigid Interspinous Process Fixation versus Pedicle Screw Fixation: Intraoperative Outcomes in a Prospective Randomized Multi-Center Trial. NASS Spine Across the Sea Meeting, July 2015. Kohala Coast, HI. Accepted for Oral Presentation. (not personally presented)
Lateral versus Anterior Lumbar Interbody Fusion: Intraoperative Outcomes from a Prospective Multi-Center Study. NASS Spine Across the Sea Meeting, July 2015. Kohala Coast, HI. Accepted for Oral Presentation. (not personally presented)
Patient Centered Clinical Outcomes After LLIF and Spinous Process Fixation For Lumbar DDD and Spondylolisthesis. EuroSpine. Lyon, France.
Novel Techniques in Lumbar Spine Pathology, Hands on Training. Universitat de Barcelona. Barcelona, Spain. Proctor and Lecturer.
Biomechanical Comparison of a Novel Expandable-Compressible Interspinous Device and Pedicle Screws Using Interbody Cage Load and Segmental Lordosis. International Society for the Advancement of Spinal Surgery. Miami, FL.
Lateral Based Surgery: Anatomy and Surgical Cases. Grand Rounds University at Buffalo Neurological Surgery. Buffalo, NY.
Biomechanical Analysis of a Novel Expandable-Compressible Interspinous Device and Pedicle Screws Using Interbody Load and Lordosis. American Association of Neurological Surgeons/ Congress of Neurological Surgeons Joint Spine Section. Orlando, FL.
A Unique Modular Solution for Lateral Interbody Fusion and Lateral Fixation. American Association of Neurological Surgeons/ Congress of Neurological Surgeons Joint Spine Section. Orlando, FL.
Modular Lateral Spinal Fixation. Selby Spine Course. Park City, UT.
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Cadaver Lab. Congress of Neurological Surgeons. San Francisco, Ca. Proctor Lateral Transpoas Approach.
A Unique Modular Solution for Lateral Interbody Fusion and Lateral Fixation. North American Spine Society. New Orleans, LA.
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery Lateral Transpoas Approach and Cases. Proctor and Lecturer Syracuse University Neurosurgical Resident Education Course. Syracuse, NY.
Retrospective Review of Lateral Transpoas Fusion with Spinous Process Fixation. Winter Clinic Meeting, American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Snowmass, CO.
Minimally Invasive Spine Surgery, Cadaver Lab. American Association of Neurological Surgeons. Proctor Cadaver Lab.
Minimally invasive Lateral Transpsoas Approach combined with Aspen. North American Spine Society. Dallas ,TX.
Evolution of the Lateral Transpoas Approach. LANX Spine. Broomfield, CO.
Minimally invasive Lateral Transpsoas Approach combined with Aspen. North American Spine Society. Chicago, IL.
Minimally Invasive Advanced Applications with Fusion and Tumor resection. Grand Rounds Olean General Hospital. Olean, NY.
Extreme Lateral Minimally invasive Approach to Spine, Anatomy, Technique and Cases. Grand Rounds University of Maryland Medical Center. Baltimore, MD.
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. Grand Rounds Olean General Hospital. Olean, NY. DenHaese
Minimally Invasive Spinal Surgery. Fredonia, NY.
Extradural Spinal Tumors and Treatment of Spinal cord Compression Caused by Metastatic Bony Tumors. Suburban Hospital Oncology Grand Rounds. Williamsville, NY.